Swingsly, O How We Love Thee!


When Katie C. (my sweet sis-in-law), was old enough to boss her little bro (Will) around, she would poke fun at him and tell him he came from the zoo! All stemming because nobody can quite figure out who William looks like. Rick? or Bea? This became a long running joke in the Simmons house.

Fast foward 20 years. Katie & I are pregnant together! At my baby shower, Swingsly was a gift for Carter. A blond haired monkey. Cameron also had a, Swingsly: brown haired monkey, awaiting his arrival.

So, 2 babies, 2 monkeys, 1 blond (Will= blond), 1 brown (Katie=brown hair), 1 long running, very funny joke.

Fast foward again a few months after both babies are born. Cam & Cart are so in love with their Swingsly’s.

In a few months, this magical Swingsly has the ability to:

  • sooth crying baby
  • help baby to go to sleep
  • cuddle with baby
  • make baby laugh
  • have conversations with baby
  • be baby’s best friend

Fast Foward to how the almost tradgedy happened. Monday, May 24, 2010 seemed like a great day for the zoo. Not too hot, a breeze in the air. We are zoo bound with our friends, the Cherrick’s.

Upon entering the zoo, we head straight towards the Arizona Trail in search of the mountain lion, bobcat, & wolf! Swingsly was in tow as Carter was jostling him around. Swings was so excited to see some of his family again!

mountain lion

Next stop: Petting Zoo! Oh the fun we had petting one goat after another. Carter pets our dog, Colton, a few time a day. Carter’s “petting” consists of smacking Colt and then gripping his fur. What a blessing we have that our dog simply wants for Carter to let his grip down before walking away. As for the goats…they weren’t going to be so patient. I was quick to the pull when I saw Cart starting to squeeze that goat. The petting zoo was a blast!


Fast foward again: So, they say babies develop new traits every day. Carter’s new trait is to throw a toy behind him when he’s done with it.

Somewhere between leaving the petting zoo and taking pictures of the turkeys, I just about screamed as I realized Swingsly made a run for it! My sweet friend, Joy, was wonderful as she reassured me we would retrace our steps and yell “Swingsly! Ssswwwiiiingggsllyy!” until we found him. My heart was pounding quickly. Flashes of finding another Swingsly were racing through my mind. “The manufacturer doesn’t even make him anymore”, I sadly tell Joy.

… we always knew this day would come …

“Excuse me!” at this point, I had no care to how silly I looked as I screamed at the woman in the golf cart. “We lost our monkey. I mean, my son’s stuffed Swingsly.” Poor lady could easily see my distress, as tears were beginning to fill my eyes. “Go to the Park Ranger” she says softly, “It’s right over there. Someone may have turned it in.” (Right now, I’m seriously doubtful anyone has turned him in. Have you ever seen Swingsly? He’s the cutest! Finders keepers, Jenet’s a weeper.)

Fast forward: We quickly make our way see the giraffe’s & zebra’s. 2 babies, 2 hours at the zoo and they’re about to lose it quick! We rush over to the Park Ranger. I struggle to find the office and instead find that girl in the golf cart again. As I begin to ask her where the Park Ranger office is, Joy interrupts, “Jenet, it’s right here.” (Truly, right in front of my eyes. I was so dissoriented.)

“Please knock”, bodly states the sign. I begin to tell the lady of the blond monkey. She turns around and at the same time tells me to follow her. I go in the office and continue describing what Swingsly looks like and before I could finish, she’s holding him! “Someone turned him it!” I scream, “Thank you Lord, there really are good people in the world!”

I excitedly jump through the door to show everyone Swingsly is found! Joy & I cheer! I hand him over to Carter, who laughs at him for 10 seconds before throwing him on the ground, behind him.

What was once lost, is now found.


Other zoo pics

So, one last question for you reader. Who do you think William looks like?

Where does William come from?


About jenetsimmons

We are two people that love each other & our sweet baby boy. We love the simplicities in life like sitting outside when the weather is beautiful, going for a drive, snuggling in our jammies. We love our family & friends.

8 responses to “Swingsly, O How We Love Thee!”

  1. Kathy Hanson says :

    HI Jenet,

    I love the story of Swingsly. Great drama and a happy ending!

    I think Will is the perfect blend of mom and dad in this photo. He has his mom’s eyes, nose, smile… and his dad’s long lean form. What do you say??


  2. brother says :

    I have feelings you know…

    • sister Katie says :

      Yeaaaah..not really (to looking like mom and dad- not the feelings)! I still don’t see it!? Sorry Will! 🙂 JUST KIDDING! much love

  3. Susie says :

    Actually, I agree Will is a perfect blend of Mom and Dad, but I have often wondered where Katie comes from!! Take a good long look and tell me she looks like Rick or Bea!!!! Maybe she is the one they found at the zoo? Can’t wait to see you all!!!!

  4. brother says :

    Finally someone with some sense!!

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