Archive | May 11, 2011

William’s condition, Home Sweet Home

I’ve never loved being home more than I do right now. So simple and peaceful with the ones I love. What a beautiful gift the Lord gave us.

Day 1 of being home has gone well. We’re both exhausted so please pray for us that we get enough rest this week. Will’s antibiotic treatment has us busy all day long. The last one finishes at midnight and the first starting at 5:30am. So, I’m taking this as prep for baby #2!

Learning how to administer his medication had me completely worried. Anything medically related is not my comfort zone. In fact, it usually sends chills up my spine. Home health care came to teach us and after completely screwing up my first test (pulling out the entire syringe as to make it pour on the floor…to which, me, Will, Tracy, & Katie just bursted laughing over. The nurse didn’t quite see the humor as we did. Well, thank the Lord, it was only sodium chloride.) After that, I got the hang of it pretty well. It’s been going great!!

Home in and of itself is theraputic. I feel our spirits already lighter just being here. Home health care came again today to draw Will’s blood just to ensure he’s being given the correct dosage of vancomycin. Will’s been walking around really well; even without the walker. Taking life a little bit slower; but so sweet!! We’ve both become slightly paranoid (in a good way), taking his fever every couple hours and double checking everything we do.

I must say while we were gone, there were angels that came in and cleaned our home. They flowed in like a domino effect and we almost didn’t recognize this place; it was spectacular! Thank you so much! Our neighbors kept the lawn, garden, and plants looking great. And, we even came home to baby grapes on the grapevine!

Thanks to everyone for helping us getting settled back in. We could not have done it without your love and support! Wow, have we really seen what the “body” of Christ actually looks like when people rally around you in love.