Tag Archive | Carter

The Much Anticipated Party

Preparing for the big day …


The day of the “Train Park Birthday” has finally arrived. All week long, Carter would tell us what “the Man” says: ALL ABOARD! And yet, it never got tiring hearing him yell those words. His excitment was so genuine. We would list all his friends by name that were coming and with each friends name, he would look at me with a great, big smile. This boy is one after my own heart. He treasures relationships!

The big smile face …

It all worked out so perfect and wonderfully. I asked the Lord that my boys would be blessed by each persons presence who was there. And they were. Look around, I could see that each person celebrating our babies really loved our family.  It was one of those days in which I could take note of the work of the Lord in our life. We work hard at maintaining healthly, loving relationships with those in our life and because of the Lord’s blessings, our boys are being blessed. And, it makes this momma’s heart, happy!

The boys were celebrated. Everyone had a blast. And we were blessed immeasurably! Thank you to all who were able to be there. We love you!

Group shot

Big Change

The beginning

The middle

The end

A Momma To Boys

I love being a momma to boys. Maybe it’s because I love everything about these pictures. I’m comfortable with mud and sticky slimy lizards. I love turning anything from a finger to a baby carrot into an instant hand gun. Because, well, you just never know when you’re going to need to shoot something! I love watching the ridiculous amount of jumping off stations Cartie finds and how baby Trev will watch with serious wonder and amazement. (“Ohh, if only my legs could do that” he thinks.)

Muddy days + lizard chasing

Tot Time

I’ve been doing “Tot Time” with Carter since Trevor was born. I was figuring out how to get one on one time with him amidst having a newborn. It started to work beautifully!


tot time – parent-directed, child-led, fun, educational activity.

So, this is my definition of it. There is a momma who started it all and many mommy bloggers who follow her. So her website is packed full of information, ideas, and inspiration to get started.



We do tot time when Trevor takes a nap. It can be as simple or complicated as you make it. Carter feels so important when I give him that time. A ground rule is, when it’s not fun any longer, we stop and move on to the next thing I have planned. This isn’t drill sheets in school … it’s laid back time at home with mommy.  Remember, you can’t mess it up!

Here’s an example of our first tot time. Months ago, we were focusing on colors. I soon learned that for Carter to stay engaged and keep it fun, I had to follow his lead of how to learn colors. Simply naming the colors in the book wasn’t working for him. He was bored within ten seconds. So, when he was able to repeat the colors after me, or identify them on his own, he was able to “hammer” the colored page in the book. Literally with his hammer. Then we moved onto shapes, their colors, stacking and hammering, of course. Later we continued as he helped me with dinner. Talking about the colors of food and peeling orange carrots!

My goal is to keep him busy for an hour. That may include one activity or six! I’d encourage all you mommies (and daddies) to start somewhere with this. I made it sound so simple. Because, it is. It needs to be simple for my little guy. Some kids may want 10 sheets with colors, letters, and numbers…but that would drive my boy wild! So, instead, I work with him in what I can with mostly hands on stuff. The next post will be about hands on alphabet learning.

Carter’s Loves…

This is my Carter story.

Carter loves many things and people. He has this innate ability to take *joy* in everything he does. This is part of his character. This is part of who our amazing Creator has made him to be. Full of joy. I’m not dreaming of a fairy tale life or anything. I fully know his childish behaviors and tantrums but they’re short lived. Partly because of who he is and what we allow in our home. It’s something I, his mommy, am learning from him as well. He’s taught me how to laugh more, to fully live in the lego-coloring-power drill using-jump off the couch, moments. (I must stop myself – but know I could write for a long time about this one.) 

He loves getting the mail.

Loves to talk. Overnight he went from saying one word at a time to sentences. How fun! How scary! I’d really like for him to stop growing so quickly. I want him to stay a,  bleach blonde – bright hazel eyes – buddah belly boy – contagious laughter, cutie-pie forever! How do you stop the days from going by so fast?!

Loves to help me garden. Loves to ride his bike. Loves to imitate Daddy.

Just for my own, record-keeping, sake. Carter’s sentences:

  • “I want some milk.”
  • “I want my bike.” (bike = beek)
  • “I want to go out.”
  • “I want a bite.”
  • “I want my doggy.”
  • “I want Momma sit up.” (This is the best one! He’s playing and wants me to join. He says this, as he is patting the ground for me to sit next to him. How do you say no to that?!)
  • “I want my books.” (yes!!!!)
  • “Bye Bye, Doggie” (everytime we leave the house…usually as he’s giving Colton a hug and kiss.)


Often I think about how to capture memories for my family. How do I record those everyday, scrumptious things they do that bring us so much joy? I love hearing how other moms do this or have done it. So, if you have an idea, share it! After all, we are the record keepers for our family! And, I couldn’t think of a better job!

You’ve heard me say, Carter is funny. He is. He’s a funny little dude. And, best of all, he has one of those contagious laughs. He smiles and laughs with his whole body. He jumps around with joy. I love that boy. I made this book for him in which I record all the funny things he says and does.

Bonuses to the book:

  • We’ll have sweet memories recorded we probably wouldn’t have otherwise. They’re just everyday stuff that gives me the chuckles.
  • He’ll always have a piece of me. My memories of him, my thoughts and prayers, (a separate journal), and my handwriting. For me, I cherish anything that still has my moms handwriting on it. In fact, I used to have a cookbook of hers that she wrote a few recipes in. I haven’t seen it in years. After our wedding and we moved into our home, Will & I, scoured all our boxes for it with no avail. So, if you’re reading this and you know where it is, please send it back to me. I miss it!

I wanted to tell you about the little book because I’ve been so inspired by what my friends do to celebrate their children. Not because I think the book is genius or anything! So, what do you do?

Check out another amazing treasure my friend, Steph, does for her girls. She calls it a birthday blessing book. I love this idea and have high hopes of incorporating this as well. Hey, when you only have to write once a year, it’s pretty easy!

1 Month Old!

Everyone asks me who Trev looks like. I say Carter, they say me. What do you think? Here’s their brotherly, side by side, 1 month old, comparison.

If Trevie look’s big, it’s because he is!                                                                           Trevor’s 1 month stats:

  • height: 23 inches = 98%
  • weight: 12lb 12oz = 98%
  • head: 15.5 inches = 95%

As a friend said this week, “He’s a bruiser!”

And, finally…Trev will make serious eye contact. So during yesterday’s eye flirting time, he gave me the sweetest smile. Ahh…the Lord always knows what we need and is ready and willing to provide!

Carter turns 2!

Happy Birthday to our sweet, loving,

goofy son, Carter!



Two years filled with overwhelming joy that we are so thankful for. We love you Carter and couldn’t be more proud to have you in our lives and more honored that you call us Mom & Dad. 



Life in Pictures

These were some of my favorites as spring was coming to a close. You can see Cartie’s sweet demeanor come out in quite a few of these pictures.

William’s condition, Home Sweet Home

I’ve never loved being home more than I do right now. So simple and peaceful with the ones I love. What a beautiful gift the Lord gave us.

Day 1 of being home has gone well. We’re both exhausted so please pray for us that we get enough rest this week. Will’s antibiotic treatment has us busy all day long. The last one finishes at midnight and the first starting at 5:30am. So, I’m taking this as prep for baby #2!

Learning how to administer his medication had me completely worried. Anything medically related is not my comfort zone. In fact, it usually sends chills up my spine. Home health care came to teach us and after completely screwing up my first test (pulling out the entire syringe as to make it pour on the floor…to which, me, Will, Tracy, & Katie just bursted laughing over. The nurse didn’t quite see the humor as we did. Well, thank the Lord, it was only sodium chloride.) After that, I got the hang of it pretty well. It’s been going great!!

Home in and of itself is theraputic. I feel our spirits already lighter just being here. Home health care came again today to draw Will’s blood just to ensure he’s being given the correct dosage of vancomycin. Will’s been walking around really well; even without the walker. Taking life a little bit slower; but so sweet!! We’ve both become slightly paranoid (in a good way), taking his fever every couple hours and double checking everything we do.

I must say while we were gone, there were angels that came in and cleaned our home. They flowed in like a domino effect and we almost didn’t recognize this place; it was spectacular! Thank you so much! Our neighbors kept the lawn, garden, and plants looking great. And, we even came home to baby grapes on the grapevine!

Thanks to everyone for helping us getting settled back in. We could not have done it without your love and support! Wow, have we really seen what the “body” of Christ actually looks like when people rally around you in love.